Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte




PD Dr. Ruth Nattermann: Jewish Women in the Early Italian Women's Movement, 1861-1945. Biographies, Discourses, and Transnational Networks _(Springer International Publishing. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022).


Ruth Nattermann book

This book is the first epoch-spanning study on Jewish participation in the Italian women's movement, focussing in a transnational perspective on the experience of Italian-Jewish protagonists in Liberal Italy, during the First World War and the Fascist dictatorship until 1945. Drawing on ego-documents, contemporary journals and Jewish community archives, as well as records by the police and public authorities, it examines the tensions within the emancipation process between participation and exclusion. The book argues that the racial laws from 1938 did not represent the sudden end of an idyllic integration, but rather the climax of a long-term development. Social marginalization, the persecution of Jewish rights, and the assault on Jewish lives during fascism are analysed distinctly from the perspective of Jewish women. In spite of their significant influence on the transnational orientation of the Italian women's movement, their emancipation as women and Jews remained incomplete.

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Das im Frühjahr 2021 mit dem Preis "Geisteswissenschaften International" ausgezeichnete Buch ist im Juli 2022 bei Palgrave Macmillan auf Englisch erschienen.