Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte


Emiel Geurts, M.A.

Emiel Geurts, M.A.

Researcher in the ANR-DFG research project ELEMENT

Emiel Geurts joined the Chair of Modern History at the LMU Munich in September 2022. His dissertation, supervised by Kiran Klaus Patel, concerns the “greening” of the EC/EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) from the 1970s until the late 1990s. The project assesses how growing environmental concerns affected the CAP, which was the flagship EC/EU-policy with a high degree of path dependency.

Before coming to Munich, Emiel studied History at the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. His master’s degree also branched out into the universities of Leiden and Maastricht, where he focused on the history of Dutch parliamentary culture and European integration history respectively.

Selected publication

Articles (peer-reviewed)

  • ‘Between Brussels, Strasbourg, and London. The European Strategy of Amnesty International’s Dutch Section, 1976-1983’, Journal of European Integration History 27:2 (2021), 285-301.


  • ‘Tussen activisme en advisering. De Europeanisering van Milieudefensie en de Waddenvereniging, 1974-1980’, Ex Tempore 40:3 (2022) 56-78.

Volume contributions

  • (co-authored with Johan van Merriënboer) 'Oplopende emoties rondom oorlogskwesties, zedelijkheidsvraagstukken en softdrugs' in: Carla van Baalen and Anne Bos eds., Grote idealen, smalle marges. Een parlementaire geschiedenis van de lange jaren zeventig, 1971-1982 (Amsterdam 2022).
  • ‘1958-1986: mijlpalen in de geschiedenis van een parlement’ in: Alexander van Kessel e.a. eds., ‘Ze gedijt in samenwerking’. Bij het afscheid van Carla van Baalen als directeur van het Centrum voor Parlementaire Geschiedenis (Nijmegen 2022).

Online columns

Conference Reports
  • Geurts, Emiel; Ottmann, Frieda: Tagungsbericht: Petra Kelly at 75: Histories, Legacies and Contemporary Meanings of Transnational Ecological Politics, 13.10.2022 – 15.10.2022, in: H-Soz-Kult, 24.11.2022.
Book reviews
  • [review article of: Liesbeth van de Grift, Dietmar Müller, and Corinna R. Unger (eds), Living with the Land. Rural and Agricultural Actors in Twentieth-Century Europe – A Handbook]. Journal of European Integration History 29:1 (2023).
  • [review article of: Marc van Alphen e.a. (eds), Krijgsmacht en handelsgeest. Om het machtsevenwicht in Europa. 1648-1813]. Ex Tempore 40:2 (2021).
  • [review article of: Gerrit Voerman and Koen Vossen (eds), Wilders gewogen. 15 jaar reuring in de Nederlandse politiek]. Jaarboek Parlementaire Geschiedenis 2020.


A European Leap? The History of EC/EU Environmental Policy, 1980-2000 (ELEMENT)
Case study 4: “Greening” the Common Agricultural Policy (PhD thesis)