Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte


Juliette Gille-Vignale

Juliette Gille-Vignale, M.A.

Researcher in the ERC Adv. Grant Project InechO

Short CV

Juliette Gille-Vignale joined the Chair of Modern History at the LMU in January 2024, as a PhD student, member of the InechO project. Prior to that, she graduated from Sciences Po Rennes in European studies in 2020. She then moved to Brussels where she worked on strengthening European citizenship at the ECIT Foundation. Following her interests for academic research, she eventually enrolled in the Research Master in European Studies at Maastricht University and began to study European integration history.
Her research topics mainly cover the evolutions of European institutions, their various legitimatization strategies, and their ultimate effects on European governance and identity.

As part of the InechO project, her PhD dissertation will focus on ECSC’s legacy and role in shaping EU’s governance. For a detailed project description please see the InechO website.