Postal address:
Historisches Seminar
Lehrstuhl Patel
Postfach 105
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
Visitor address:
Historisches Seminar
Lehrstuhl Patel
Schellingstraße 12
+49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 5583
Short CV
Thomas Süsler-Rohringer has joined the Chair for Modern History in January 2020. He also serves as Scientific Coordinator of Project House Europe and Project Manager of the ERC Advanced Grant InechO.
Before coming to Munich, he pursued his PhD at the Technical University Berlin and was a doctoral fellow of the International Max Planck Research School “Moral Economies of Modern Societies” at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development in Berlin and Junior Fellow at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies in Vienna. His PhD thesis explored the cultural and gender history of social policy and the re-integration of disabled veterans during the First World War in the Habsburg Monarchy (1880–1918).
His particularly interested in the study of empires, the welfare state, gender studies, participation and democratization. He is currently working on a new research project focusing on communicative strategies and practices between the forerunners of today's EU and citizens, situating them in the broader re-negotiations of post-1945 democratic orders in Europe. He is particularly interested in how mutual perceptions and expectations shaped these interactions.
- Since 2020: Lecturer at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- 2013 - 2019: PhD student at the International Max Planck Research School “Moral Economies of Modern Societies” and Junior Fellow of the Internationalen Forschungszentrums Kulturwissenschaften in Vienna.
- Since 2013: PhD student at the Technical Univerity Berlin.
- 2013: MA, University of Vienna.
Selected Publications
- Kriseninduzierte Kontinuität. Soziale Sicherung und die Re-Integration Kriegsversehrter im Habsburgerreich 1880-1918 (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft Bd. 248), Göttingen 2023.
Articles (peer-reviewed)
- Managing Political Conflict in a Democratizing Polity. Administrative Reform, Trust and Throughput Legitimacy in Imperial Austria ca. 1900–1914, in: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies/ÖZG 32 (2021), 1, 75-101.
- “Poor Boy, you are bound to die”? Die Pluralisierung militärischer Männlichkeiten im österreichischen Bundesheer 1950–1970, in: Femina Politica 29 (2020), 1, 55-68.
- Trust and National Belonging. Welfare for Disabled Veterans in Bohemia (1914–1918), in: Administory. Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte 3 (2018), 218–234.
- Arbeitsfreude und Selbstvertrauen. Die moralische Ökonomie der Re Integration Kriegsbeschädigter in Cisleithanien (1914–1918), in: Ute Frevert (Hg.): Moral Economies, Sonderheft Geschichte und Gesellschaft 26, 163–186.
- (co-authored with Matthew S. Hull and Stefan Nellen) Towards a History of Files, in: Administory 4 (2019),, 3-9.
- (co-edited with Matthew S. Hull and Stefan Nellen) Administory. Journal for the History of Public Administration 4 (2019).
- (co-edited with Peter Becker, Peter Collin and Timon de Groot) Administory. Journal for the History of Public Administration 3 (2018).
- Member of the Editorial Board of fernetzt. Junges Forschungsfernetzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte – der Blog.
Blog posts
- „Schlangenfresserei“ – Kleinkrieg und Männlichkeiten im Österreich der 1960er-Jahre, in: fernetzt. Junges Forschungsfernetzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte – der Blog, 15. Januar 2020,
- „So wie ihr euch draußen im Felde hervorgetan, so sollt ihr auch jetzt eueren Mann stellen“, in: fernetzt. Junges Forschungsnetzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte – der Blog, 1. Mai 2016,