Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte



International conference: 200 Years of the Monroe Doctrine. Visions of the Americas since the 1820s

Congreso internacional: A 200 años de la Doctrina Monroe. Visiones de las Américas desde la década de los 1820

Place / lugar: Bayerische Amerika-Akademie, Amerikahaus München
Date / fecha: 24 – 25 March / 24 – 25 de marzo 2023

Organisation / organización:
Dr. Carlos Alberto Haas, Prof. Dr. Michael Hochgeschwender, Prof. Dr. Ursula Prutsch
(LMU München)

Conference languages / Idiomas de la conferencia: English and Spanish / Inglés y español

In December 1823, U.S. President James Monroe gave an annual political speech before the U.S. Congress that went down in history as the Monroe Doctrine and had a lasting impact on the relationship between the United States, Latin America and Europe. From a European perspective, the Monroe Doctrine is considered the only relevant vision of the Americas that unfolded between 1820 and 1830. Yet, at the same time, there existed visions—some competing, some intertwined with the United States—that encompassed the entire continent. Simón Bolivar's Pan-American utopia is worth mentioning here, as well as the Portugese-Brazilian dynasty’s visions of making Brazil the center of a New World; both visions represent global aspirations. Therefore, the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine offers an ideal occasion to shed light on these core issues of transatlantic foreign policy by speakers from the United States, Latin America and Europe. The conference will go well beyond the period of the 1820s, discuss the political, cultural, and social contexts of the America visions, and analyze their long-term effects

Program / programa
24 March / 24 de marzo 2023

02:00 PM:
Conference Opening / Apertura de la conferencia:

Volker Depkat, Bayerische Amerika-Akademie

Carlos Alberto Haas, LMU München Welcome and introduction / Bienvenido e introducción

02:30-06:00 PM
Panel 1: The end of the old order: revolutions in the Americas / El fin del antiguo orden: revoluciones en las Américas

Volker Depkat, Universität Regensburg:
Foreign Policy as Identity Politics. American Exceptionalism and the Cultural Foundations of the Monroe Doctrine
La política exterior como política de identidad. El excepcionalismo americano y los fundamentos culturales de la Doctrina Monroe

Oliver Gliech, FU Berlin:
Haiti - the Heirs of the Black Revolution and the American Hemisphere (1804-1830)
Haití: Herederos de la Revolución Negra y el Hemisferio Americano (1804-1830)

break / pausa –

Xiomara Avendaño Rojas, Universidad de El Salvador:
From America Septentrional to Central America: the uncertain international context
De la América del Septentrión a la América Central: el incierto contexto internacional

Milagros Martínez-Flener, Universidad Jaume I de Castellón:
“Perverse Doctrines”: Austria and the Independences of Spanish America (1822-1824)
“Doctrinas perversas”: Austria y las independencias de la América española (1822-1824)

Julia Angster, Universität Mannheim: Moderation / moderación:

25 March / 25 de marzo 2023

09:00 AM -12:30 PM
Panel 2: The 1820s as formative period of the Americas? / ¿La década de los 1820 como período formativo de las Américas?

Torsten Kathke, Universität Mainz:
Liberty and Empire: Reactions to the Monroe Doctrine, 1823-1833
Libertad e Imperio: Reacciones a la Doctrina Monroe, 1823-1833

Ursula Prutsch, LMU München:
The Pan-American Conference of 1826
La Conferencia Panamericana de 1826

- break / pausa -

William O‘Reilly, University of Cambridge:
German-Americans, the Monroe Doctrine and the idea of Empire, 1823-1898
Los germano-americanos, la Doctrina Monroe y la idea del Imperio, 1823-1898

Ricardo Castellón, Academia Salvadoreña de la Historia:
“Us” and the life of “the others” in Ibero-America. The project of the elites and the excluded in the 1820s
"Nosotros" y la vida de "los otros" en Iberoamérica. El proyecto de las élites y los excluidos en la década de 1820

Michael Hochgeschwender, LMU München: Moderation / moderación 3

02:30-06:00 PM
Panel 3: America's Backyard? The Monroe Doctrine in the 20th century / ¿El Patio Trasero? La doctrina Monroe en el siglo XX

Johannes Nagel, Universität Gießen:
Inevitable hegemony? U.S. regional security from the Olney Corollary to the Roosevelt Corollary, 1895–1905
¿Hegemonía inevitable? La seguridad regional de los Estados Unidos desde el Corolario Olney hasta el Corolario Roosevelt, 1895-1905

Carlos Alberto Haas, LMU München:
Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Chile: US-Interventions in Latin America during the Cold War
Guatemala, República Dominicana, Chile: Intervenciones de los EEUU en Latinoamérica durante la Guerra Fría

- break / pausa –

Pierre-Héli Monot, LMU München:
1970s Political Pamphleteering and the Monroe Doctrine
El panfletarismo político de los años setenta y la Doctrina Monroe

Haydeé Valey, Impunity Watch Guatemala:
Indigenous peoples of Abya Yala. Alternative visions of the Americas
Pueblos originarios de Abya Yala. Visiones alternas de las Américas

Andreas Etges, LMU München: Moderation / moderación

07:00-08:30 PM:
Key Note / conferencia magistral:
Cassia Roth
, University of Georgia Slavery and Freedom, Freedom and Slavery: Abolition in Nineteenth-Century Brazil Esclavitud y libertad, libertad y esclavitud: La abolición en el Brasil del siglo XIX

Reception / coctel
End of conference / fin de la conferencia

This conference is sponsored by:
Bayerische Amerika-Akademie
Bayerische Staatskanzlei
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung
International Office der LMU
Amerika-Institut der LMU
LMU Latin America Network,
an interdisciplinary network of researchers at LMU Munich which aims to facilitate cooperation in the areas of research, teaching and capacity building with partners based in Latin America with the support of the International Office